Saturday, August 26, 2006

Concept Woes

Another sketch here. Life is good.
I feel like I should write more because there is so much room here.
hmm...I will write a poem:

Poor Concept Art
by Emily Dunn
dedicated to the sad clown girl to your right...I hope she appreciates this!

Poor, poor concept art,
drawn and tossed into a pile.
Your life was short. Nobody cared.
Your life was not worth while.

But lo, o'er yonder hill did shine
a glimmering blogger's light.
For she did post and glorify
your life on her website.


Brian Cutler said...

Nice work Emily. That poem made me cry... it really did. Looking foreward to seeing more of your stuff on here.

Kevin Keele said...

That poem was just...(sniff)beautiful. I can really relate and sympathize with you and your concept art. Nice drawing by the way.

Dave McClellan said...

At last! A poem that truly speaks to me. Bravo.