Thursday, September 21, 2006

Laser Eyes

Ok...I discovered something yesterday. If anyone comments, it won't show up until I re-publish my blog (because I'm hosting this blog on my actual web-site So, each time I log in to and re-publish it, the new comments show up.

For a couple weeks I thought people really hated that last post. There were zero comments. Sad how my emotional well-being is based on how many "pats on the back" I get. :) hehe. I'm ok again now that I have a few pats on the back. Thanks for the comments guys!

Ok. On to more important my super-hero status due to my new laser eyes (...see last post and comments) I am going to hold off on posting my now perfect art...I don't want to blow you all away. So I will keep posting old art...I'll ease you into the good stuff. That way it won't be too jarring on your senses.

You're welcome.


S.T. Lewis said...

I had wondered why that last post said there were zero comments for such a long time, because I had read several comments, and so I knew there were at least a couple more than zero. I started to wonder if I was crazy.

Another pat on the back for this one, Emily. Great character.

Unknown said...

awesome characters!

Andrew Chan said...

great character!! does it have a monkey tail coming out of him?

Chris Gardner said...

I love the cheeks! And the little whymsical star on his staff is great. Nice drawing!

Kevin Keele said...

Pat, pat, pat (that's me patting your back). This is a fun design.

emily said...

Thanks everyone! (actually its a cheetah tail...and a cheetah cape...and a diaper ? I guess.

Anonymous said...

hi, blog hopping here!