Friday, January 05, 2007


Did you miss me? Well, I'm here again. Hallelujah.

I bought an easel for myself for Christmas. It is beautiful. I even have a half-finished painting sitting on it (that I started a year ago pre-easel). Getting the paints out and actually painting on it is another story. No, actually I did get the paints out on Monday. They are sitting on the table next to the easel. It all looks very nice.

Maybe I should take a picture of it and post it...or maybe I should just finish the painting and post a picture of that! Seriously that is my goal! If I can finish it in 6 days, I would be a happy camper. That is now my goal. I'll explain why later.

In the meantime, I recorded a CD with Chris Wright (from Avalanche) and here is the CD cover I designed. The songs are classical and religious pieces. I've also been working on songs with my guitar (see previous post) but it turns out that takes a lot longer than I expected.

So the CD and cover artwork comes from the mosaic floor of an ancient (about 100 A.D.) Christian temple I visited in Israel, specifically a town called Beit-Lehi [translated: the Family of Lehi]. The name of the city comes from an ancient prophet named Lehi who used to live there (according to the local bedouins). The back of the CD has some classical Greek writing (from the same mosaic floors) which translated says, "Azizos and Kaikypikos dedicated this temple" (or something like that).

The songs on the CD are: Memory, Beatitude, The Lord's Prayer, Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again, God Help the Outcasts, and I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked.

CD Design



Notice that the mosaic on the front is a boat with fish and a couple people on board. They are going on a journey, so I thought this image would be perfect for my CD, since I decided to call it Journey.


Anonymous said...

It's really nice. I like the colors of the lable. This looks like something you might see hanging up in a star bucks. Looks great!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Congrats on the CD, the laser eyes, and all. I didn't realize that you were still working at Avalanche. Must be a good job for you to stay after your internship. I think I mentioned this the last time I saw you in the Amanda Knight Studio, but your work has improved so much since Feature Films for Families. It's dramatic. Welcome to Blogville! Stop by my blog some time, I try post art about once a week, or so. I'd love to get your feedback. Happy New Year!

Brian Cutler said...

The CD cover looks nice, Emily; that's a cool looking mosaic. I'd like to hear the music sometime.

Anonymous said...
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Kevin Keele said...

Nice CD cover. Can I get a copy?

natalie malan said...

Congrats on the CD! I had no idea you played the guitar. There's all kinds of talent there at Avalanche. Really cool, now you just need to add a you tube music video or at least an audio clip so we can hear a little! I'm in suspense :)

emily said...

Thanks Natalie! Actually, you can download two of the songs (or just listen) on my myspace:

Hope you like them :)

Brian Siegel said...

I like the earth tones, but it could be more "bright, soft, and inviting", but all in all, great job! Keep up your passions, never lose them, or let them lose you!

Brian Siegel

Unknown said...

I went there! I am one of the kids who have excavated there a few times. I found it on google images, and whoa! I saw it! :) I went with the Kimber group. So where can I hear your music?? I have some too.