Friday, June 15, 2007

Traveling and Headshots

I am in Kathmandu, Nepal right now.Crazy huh ? I 'll tell you what' s crazy--the driving here!: ) I 'm just glad it wasn' t ME behind the wheel because I don 't think I' d be alive right now to tell the tale.We drove down a street today that is only wide enough for one car and yet it had cars going both directions.Jammed between all the cars were bicyclists, rick - shaws, motor - bikes, pedestrians, oh and cows.I was afraid for my life...

Earlier this year I was asked to take some headshots/modeling shots for a friend of a friend named Julie.This job was a lot of fun. We used make - up artist, Danielle from Deuce Makeup Artistry . We shot at Liberty Park in Salt Lake City. I was feeling really good about my skills throughout the shoot but honestly, Julie was a natural! I kept saying, "yeah, do that...[snap]....that looks great [snap]....yeah, don't move [snap, snap]." and thinking to myself, "man, I'm good!" Hehe. Here are some of the shots. © Copyright Emily Dunn 2016.


natalie malan said...

great photos! I especially love the angle of the top one, and how it emphasizes her long legs. very cool.

Ken Chandler said...

Great work Emily. Love your compositions. Esp. the one of Julie by the old door. Beautiful all round. Hope you're safe in Nepal, and don't have to drive while you're there. Sounds thrilling.